Swords Plumbing Service


Emergency and General Plumbing


Swords plumbing service, provided by The Dublin Plumber, is the No.1 Emergency Plumbing Service for the Swords area and all of North Dublin.

If you’re looking for a Swords plumbing service then The Dublin Plumber is the number 1 emergency plumber for the area and will provide you with a fast and professional domestic plumbing service.

Our team is trained to work to the highest standards of workmanship. Furthermore, our prices are one of the most competitive in the marketplace today.

Based in Swords

Based in Swords, in Fingal, The Dublin Plumber provides emergency plumbing services to Swords and all of North County Dublin.


Emergency Plumbing Situations

Are you in Swords and dealing with a serious plumbing emergency like burst water pipe, burst hot water cylinder, water tank or radiator? If you are then phone: 085 866 7631 for a fast and professional domestic plumbing service.

Remember, any situation can be an emergency i.e. A broken boiler may not always seem like an emergency, but if it’s winter and there are children or elderly in the home, then it’s emergency.

Main Street Swords

Main Street, Swords

When to Call a Professional

Plumbing emergencies may occur at any time day or night. In fact, they seem to appear at the most inappropriate times, such as getting ready to go on holidays or during the weekends. Some people may try and have a go at fixing the problem themselves with the assistance of Youtube. In most cases, we have found this not to be a good idea and can lead to further structural damage being caused.

Call The Dublin Plumber whenever you have a plumbing emergency, even if you are not 100% it is an emergency. Remember, what is an emergency to one person may not be an emergency to somebody else. The Dublin Plumber will listen and give their professional opinion, and, with no call out charge, you have nothing to lose by being cautious.



Swords Plumbing and Our Promise to You

The Dublin Plumber policy is to arrive at your home in Swords or the Swords area in less than one hour for all emergency calls we receive. Our current average response time is between 20-40 minutes.

Payment Methods

We accept the following payment, Credit Card, Cheque or Cash, and once you pay we will issue a receipt for all monies received.

Email Us



8 The Park, Melrose Park, Swords, Co. Dublin.  

Monday – Sunday


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